2 min read

Astro + Rehype Pretty Code = πŸ”₯πŸš€

Do you want to display your code snippet like this?

  "default-address-pools": [
      "base": "",
      "size": 24

Enhance your Astro syntax highlighter with Rehype Pretty Code to incorporate these features:

  • Title
  • Caption
  • Line Numbers
  • Line Highlighting
  • Word Highlighting
  • Inline Code Highlighting
  • and more

Upgrade Packages

Make you have latest integration packages. As of the time of writing, we were using the following versions:

  • astro: 4.1.1
  • tailwindcss: 3.4.1
  • @astrojs/tailwind: 5.1.0

Disable The Default Tailwind Integration

Create src/styles/global.css.

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

Import the style into your base layout, in my AstroMon starter theme this is src/layouts/base.layout.astro.

import "@/styles/global.css";
// ... rest of ile

Edit astro.config.mjs and update tailwind() section.

export default defineConfig({
  // ... other configs
  integrations: [
      applyBaseStyles: false,
      nesting: true,

Install Rehype Pretty Code

npm install rehype-pretty-code

Edit astro.config.mjs to disable default syntax highlighter and add rehypePlugins.

export default defineConfig({
  // ... other configs
  markdown: {
    syntaxHighlight: false,
    rehypePlugins: [[rehypePrettyCode, {}]],

You can add additional options inside the {}, checkout their docs for details.

Styling The Code Block

At this point, Astro already highlights your syntax using rehype-pretty-code but is still unstyled. Adjustments are needed in the Tailwind section.

[data-rehype-pretty-code-figure] {
  @apply relative;
[data-rehype-pretty-code-title] {
  @apply mt-0 inline-flex h-12 items-center rounded-tl-md rounded-tr-md;
  @apply border-t-2 border-indigo-500 bg-[--tw-prose-pre-bg] px-4
    text-sm dark:bg-[--tw-prose-invert-pre-bg];
[data-rehype-pretty-code-title] + pre {
  @apply rounded-tl-none;
pre {
  @apply mx-auto overflow-auto rounded-md p-4;
  @apply scrollbar-thin scrollbar-thumb-gray-500 scrollbar-thumb-rounded;
  [data-line] {
    @apply -mx-4 px-6;
  [data-highlighted-line] {
    @apply bg-white/10;
  [data-highlighted-chars] {
    @apply rounded-md p-1;
  mark {
    @apply bg-gray-800 text-inherit;
code {
  @apply text-base !leading-loose md:text-base;
  &[data-line-numbers] {
    counter-reset: line;
    > [data-line]::before {
      counter-increment: line;
      content: counter(line);
      @apply mr-4 inline-block w-4 text-right text-gray-500;

This HTML structure represents the output for your reference:

<figure data-rehype-pretty-code-figure>
  <!-- only if "title" has set -->
  <figcaption data-rehype-pretty-code-title></figcaption>
  <pre data-language data-theme>
        <code data-line-numbers data-language data-theme>
            <span data-line></span>
            <span data-line data-highlighted-line></span>
            <span data-line>
                <mark data-highlighted-chars></mark>

These styles are a starting point,you may need to customize them to align with your site’s overall design. Alternatively, if you prefer a pre-made Astro theme, check out the AstroMon starter theme.