It’s really nice to always has clean machine, that’s why I always try to use Docker to isolate certain commands.
Instead of installing PHP Composer globally, I prefer to create a helper function for my Fish Shell that, under the hood, runs a docker image.
function composer
set -l composer_version "latest" # Default version
# Check if the first argument is a version number (e.g., "2" or "2.8.4")
if string match -qr '^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*$' -- $argv[1]
set composer_version $argv[1] # Assign version
set argv $argv[2..-1] # Shift arguments (remove first argument)
# Set Composer environment variables for home and cache directories
set -q COMPOSER_HOME; or set -x COMPOSER_HOME "$HOME/.config/composer"
set -q COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR; or set -x COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR "$HOME/.cache/composer"
# Define colors
set color_composer "\e[32m" # Green
set color_version "\e[37m" # White
set color_number "\e[93m" # Bright Yellow/Gold
set color_reset "\e[0m" # Reset color
# Display formatted version message
echo -e "$color_composer""Composer""$color_reset $color_version""version""$color_reset $color_number$composer_version$color_reset"
# Run Composer in Docker with home & cache directories
docker run --rm --interactive --tty \
--volume (pwd):/app \
--user (id -u):(id -g) \
composer:$composer_version $argv
Now, we can call composer
as usual without polluting our machine. To use a specific tag, just pass it after composer
, like this: composer 2.8 -v